[Sosfbay-discuss] This 'Green Brotha' Going to Chicago

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Tue Jul 8 14:47:03 PDT 2008

Dear Green Friends, 

I have posted this blog entry on California Greening.


'Green Brotha' Going to Chicago


The Los Angeles Times published a timely editorial this week
on the disgraceful handling of the mess at Martin Luther King/Harbor Hospital
in Watts. 


>From the Los Angeles Times, Monday, July 7, 2008. 

Editorial: Learning From a Death in Brooklyn

On June 19, surveillance cameras in a Brooklyn, N.Y., mental ward captured
shocking images of a woman collapsing on the floor and lying there, untended by
hospital workers, for an hour. She soon died.

The tape, released last week, touched a nerve in Los Angeles because the
incident was reminiscent of the death of Edith Isabel Rodriguez at Martin
Luther King Jr.-Harbor Hospital in May 2007. Rodriguez lay on the
emergency-room floor as a janitor mopped around her. The description of her
suffering, and of the indifference of hospital workers, silenced all but the
most recalcitrant defenders of the mismanaged medical center...

I've made copies of the article (along with some others) to distribute when
this "Green Brotha" goes to Chicago this weekend.

On Super Tuesday, when Mayor Villaraigosa, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Laura
Richardson, and my Congresswoman Diane Watson were all busy campaigning for
Hillary, I was elected a Cynthia McKinney delegate to the 2008 Green Party
National Convention. When I get there, if anybody shoves an Obama poster in my
face babbling about "change" I'll shove this in his face speaking
truth about the status-quo in One-Party Democratic Los Angeles. 

Alex Walker

Los Angeles Greens 

July 8, 2008 

Read more!


URL: http://cagreening.blogspot.com/2008/07/this-green-brotha-going-to-chicago.html

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