[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: [gpca-erwg] From Krist Novoselic:Wed"July 9th in San Francisco -- Bring Ranked Choice Voting to the USA!"]

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 9 08:57:47 PDT 2008

-------- Original Message --------


--- On Tue, 7/8/08, Steven Hill <hill at newamerica.net> wrote:

     From: Steven Hill <hill at newamerica.net>
     Subject: From Krist Novoselic: "July 9th in San Francisco -- Bring
     Ranked Choice Voting to the USA!"
     To: "Steven Hill" <hill at newamerica.net>
     Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 10:37 AM

     Dear friends,

     I hope to see some of you at this event/fundraiser with Nirvana
     bassist Krist Novoselic in San Francisco (Wednesday evening [today]
     at 7:30 pm at the Foreign Cinema in the Mission district). This
     November, ranked choice voting/instant runoff voting is on the
     ballot in Memphis, TN, Glendale, AZ and St. Paul, MN. Also soon we
     will know if proportional representation will be on the ballot in
     Cincinnati. Fundraisers are being organized around the country to
     support these important reform efforts. Please come and join myself,
     Krist, Rob Richie from FairVote and others for this fundraiser in
     San Francisco.  We have some great opportunities for big wins this
     fall. Every dollar raised on July 9th is going to these campaigns.
     See below the note from Krist about it. Here are the details about
     the event:

     WHEN:     7:30 pm to 9 pm, July 9, Wednesday evening
     WHERE:     Foreign Cinema, 2534 Mission Street, San Francisco,

     Please forward this to your own lists and help us spread the word.




      From Krist Novoselic


     I'm writing to invite you to be a part of something special.

     On July 9th at 7:30 pm,  I will be joined by FairVote's Rob Richie,
     New America  Foundation's Steven Hill and local leaders in the drive
     for one of the most compelling electoral reforms of our time: ranked
     choice voting.

     Full details are below and at http://www.fairvote.org/sfevent - but
     we'll gather from 7:30 to 9 pm at Foreign Cinema in downtown San

     Some of you know ranked choice voting as instant runoff voting. Some
     of you as majority voting. I know it as the key to unlocking a new
     wave of democracy.

     This year holds every promise to open that door to ranked choice
     voting all across America. But we need your help. Hundreds of
     thousands of voters will shortly be voting on ranked choice voting.
     Ranked choice voting has already qualified for the ballot in:

     * Memphis, Tennessee: A charter commission unanimously recommended
     ranked choice voting in the second largest city in the southeastern
     United States.

     * St. Paul, Minnesota: A broadly and deeply supported petition
     campaign promises to have St. Paul join its "twin city" Minneapolis
     in adopting ranked choice voting, boosting efforts for statewide

     * Glendale, Arizona: Home of the 2008 Super Bowl, Glendale will vote
     on a ballot measure backed by the League of Women Voters of Arizona
     in a state where ranked choice voting promises to spread quickly.

     In  addition, Los Angeles holds every promise to vote on ranked
     choice voting in the coming year, quite possibly as soon as March.
     In Ohio, Cincinnati may have a chance to bring back the
     "proportional voting" form of ranked choice voting. Other cities are
     moving to ballot measures as well.

     These advances are happening in the midst of a presidential campaign
     where every single leading candidate -- including major party
     nominees Barack Obama and John McCain -- support ranked choice
     voting. A sweep of these campaigns will create real conditions for

     We can do it. Advocates for ranked choice voting indeed have won 13
     of the last 14 local  ballot measures advancing this quietly
     powerful election reform. But we need your help.

     I chair FairVote and have an obligation to raise funds to keep its
     work moving forward. But that's not why we're holding this event. On
     July 9th, we have one and only one purpose: supporting campaigns for
     ranked choice voting. Every dollar we raise will go to action in the
     next six months.

     So please -- join us in a wonderful venue for drinks, food and a
     discussion on how election reform can transform democracy as we know
     it. I will be joined at the event by our host committee: David
     Wilner, Aleks Totic and Mitzi Johnson.

     WHEN:     7:30 pm to 9 pm, July 9
     WHERE:     Foreign Cinema, http://www.foreigncinema.com/directions/
     WHAT:     Updates on this fall's campaigns and how they fit into a
     national strategic vision for reform
     WHO:     Krist Novoselic, Steven Hill, Rob Richie -- and many more,
     including you!

     For more information, please contact FairVote at rsvp at fairvote.org.
     If you cannot attend, I encourage you to make a contribution to help
     advance the way democracy will be at http://www.fairvote.org/donate/.

     Thank you,

     Krist Novoselic,
     Chair, FairVote

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