[Sosfbay-discuss] "The War, Dems, MoveOn and The Uprising"

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 13 10:27:52 PDT 2008

There probably is nothing new in this to you.

But I think the content is great and my be helpful
to others you might want to forward to.

It is an interview of David Sirota by John Stauber.


"Obama's latest flip-flops are not moves to the "center"
or the "mainstream" - by the empirical public opinion data
on major issues, his moves are ones away from the center
and from the mainstream. That's not surprising - he has
surrounded himself by Washington insiders whose definition
of "the center" is radically different from where the
actual center of American public opinion is. If he
continues down this path, he will hurt his chances of
winning the election. I would advise him to remember where
mainstream public opinion is on issues like trade, the war
and civil liberties is - and instead of going to the center
of a corrupt Washington, go there."

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