[Sosfbay-discuss] A Nation of Sheep?

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 20 10:24:31 PDT 2008

"Netroots Nation or Nation of Sheep: Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore Address
the Netroots Nation Conference"


I found this very interesting.

- It seems most participants were quite unhappy with the Democratic
   leadership, including Pelosi, but not Al Gore.

- There was a threat to arrest anyone who was too passionate in
   expressing frustration.

- Final paragraph:

"Whether or not you decide to vote for Democrat Barack Obama, Green
Party candidate Cynthia McKinney, or Independent Ralph Nader in
November, please go to http://www.GrassrootsNetroots.org  and join a
growing radical populist army who believe we need an alternative to
MoveOn and Democratic Party centrists. The doomsday clock is ticking.
Let's fight like hell to make sure that 2008 is not the year where we
tried to change drivers, but still went over the cliff."

NOTE: I know nothing about the author (Ronnie Cummins) or the
Grassroots Netroots Alliance.  Can anyone clarify?


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