[Sosfbay-discuss] Don't Weep for Obama's "Race" Speech; Weep for Forgotten Victims of Reagan-Bush "Conservatism"

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Fri Mar 21 20:11:25 PDT 2008

Dear Green Friends, 

As usual, I have a completely unconventional perspective on the silly Jeremiah
Wright - Barack Obama "controversy."? 

See below an excerpt and a link to my blog post on Green Commons: 

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Posted on Green Commons, Friday, March 21, 2008.

Don't Weep for Obama; Weep for Forgotten Victims of Reagan-Bush

by Alex Walker 


I do not, I
repeat, I do not find Rev. Jeremiah Wright
speaking truth to power as hateful, anti-White, anti-Semitic or offensive in
any way. So, Wright offended Rush Limbaugh? Anyone who "offends" that
big, fat, idiot can't be all bad. Thus, in my judgement, the new Democratic
liberal leadership failed their first test against the
Republican Noise Machine in 2008. 


Do not waste your tears over Barack Obama's irrelevant
"race" speech. Weep, for the forgotten victims of Reagan-Bush
"conservatism" around the world.

MARCH 1988

Twenty years before the current silly
"controversy," almost to the day, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein
attacked the Kurds using chemical weapons. Clouds of poison gas swept through
the town, killing as many as 5,000 people. The Reagan "conservative"
administration offered Hussein financial credits. They provided Saddam with
battlefield intelligence. U.S. helicopters sold to Iraq in 1983 were used in
the attack.

Finally, after another wave of attacks in August 1988, the
US Senate passed legislation to end US financial support for Hussein and impose
sanctions. Colin Powell, then the national security adviser,
coordinated the Reagan administration's opposition. The "Great" Ronald
Reagan, Vice President Bush, Secretary of
State George Schultz, Colin Powell and all senior
aides supported war crimes for their "conservative' policy on Persian Gulf

Obama's speech was touching but irrelevant. Fellow
Americans, this election is Not about "race"
no matter how many neurotic Black intellectuals say that it is.? This
election is about the cumulative evils of Reagan-Bush "conservatism."
Democrats failed this first test against the Republican Noise Machine and
thanks to our gutless, clueless, race-obsessed "leaders", Reagan-Bush
fiends have, in effect, obtained a general amnesty for all their crimes. 

The Halabja story is just one example of hundreds of evil
things done in our name by Reagan-Bush "conservatives" in
Afghanistan, Angola, Cambodia, Chile, China, Columbia, Congo, Cuba, Egypt, El
Salvador, Fiji Islands, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia,
Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Mexico, Mozambique,
Nicaragua, Nigeria, Okinawa, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Philippines, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, and Yugoslavia. 

.? .? .

Thanks to our liberal Democratic losers, from now on all
Americans are to be judged collectively for the crimes of Reagan-Bush
"conservatives." From now on, all criticism of Reagan-Bush torture,
"rendition," atrocities, waterboarding, drug-dealing, war
profiteering and general gangsterism is deemed "anti-White."

Mr. and Ms. Democrat: Are you prepared to be denounced as a
"race traitor" in November? Are you finally prepared to laugh in the
faces of the Reagan-Bush "conservative" demagogues? That is what you
must be prepared to do. . .


Read More on Green Commns at: http://www.greencommons.org/node/992


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