[Sosfbay-discuss] Rove's political prisoner Gov. Don Siegelman to be released from prison pending appeal

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Fri Mar 28 01:11:32 PDT 2008

Take heart folks, Its probably hard to overstate how important this event
is. This victory is a huge indicator of the tide turning for progressives,
for justice, for America and has potential to positively impact all the
world's inhabitants because of its far reaching implications!  This is yet
another unraveling thread of the CheneyBush criminal empire and most
directly on Karl Rove. My shoutout of gratitude and props for the stellar
work done by Keith Olbermann and Dan Abrams of MSNBC, 60 minutes in
addition RawStory.com , BradBlog.com, kpete, HissySpit, Deepmodem Mom,
Syrinx (all of DemocraticUnderground), Billary Redux of DailyKos.com and
so many other bloggers who've made it their business to focus a laser beam
on this atrocious ugly political lynching scheme of Karl Rove.  Yeah for
us!!!  As we slog away we CAN reach our goals of impeaching Cheney and
Bush and bringing healing to our nation and our planet.  Keep up the

Compassion Lives!

Drew Johnson


Breaking: Don Siegelman will be released for House testimony
by Billary Redux
Thu Mar 27, 2008 at 09:36:46 AM PDT
Politico calls it a victory for the Blogosphere

Thanks to the persistence of progressive blogs and "60 Minutes," a
fascinating story now will be scrutinized everywhere. Wonder if any TV
stations in Alabama will have, um, technical difficulties with this


March 27, 2008
Categories: Blogs

A victory for the blogosphere

Thanks to the persistence of progressive blogs and "60 Minutes," a
fascinating story now will be scrutinized everywhere. Wonder if any TV
stations in Alabama will have, um, technical difficulties with this

Date: 03/27/2008 12:10 PM

EDs: APNewsNow; Will be led.
House panel seek Siegelman testimony before Congress
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House Judiciary Committee has asked the Justice
Department to temporarily release former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman from
prison to testify before Congress in early May about possible political
influence over his prosecution.

A spokeswoman for the committee said Thursday that Siegelman, who is
serving more than seven years in a Louisiana prison, would travel to
Washington under guard of the U.S. Marshals Service. She said Committee
Chairman John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, wants to hear directly from
Siegelman because lawmakers are having trouble getting information
elsewhere, including from the Justice Department.

Siegelman, a Democrat, was elected governor in 1998 and served one term.
He was convicted in 2006 on six bribery-related and one obstruction of
justice charge. Democrats last year began reviewing the case as part of a
broader investigation what they said were selective prosecutions by the
Bush administration.

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