[Sosfbay-discuss] Darlene Wallach

Fred Duperrault fredd at freeshell.org
Fri Nov 21 11:20:00 PST 2008

This morning I called our two Senators and Rep. Eshoo regarding the 
Israeli imprisonment of Darlene Wallach.  None of the staff persons I 
talked with had heard about the incident. I then mentioned to them that 
Darlene was interviewed today by Amy Goodman on "Democracy Now."

It would be good if our federal Reps. would get a bunch of calls asking 
them to make inquiries about their abducted constituent.

Sen Feinstein:  202-456-2022

Sen Boxer:  415-403-0100 and/or her media staff person at 202-225-8120

Rep Eshoo: 202-225-8104

Fred D.

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