[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: [ProChoiceOrNoChoice] Fw: Help Prevent Censorship at San Jose Libraries!]

Jim Stauffer jims at greens.org
Thu Apr 9 13:48:44 PDT 2009

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[ProChoiceOrNoChoice] Fw: Help Prevent Censorship at San Jose
Date: 	Thu, 9 Apr 2009 11:26:48 -0700 (GMT-07:00)
From: 	Mona D'Astarte <mdastarte at earthlink.net>

     Subject: Help Prevent Censorship at San Jose Libraries!

     *Right now, access to sexual health information at the San José
     Public Library system is under attack.
     **Make your voice heard by emailing your City Council member and
     Mayor Reed!*

     The San José City Council is considering whether to install blocking
     software on library computers and endanger access to important
     information about healthcare and sexuality. *This proposal could
     potentially block teens', and others', ability to learn vital
     information about contraceptives, puberty, breast cancer, and other
     topics related to reproductive health.*

     Please tell the San José City Council and the Mayor that library
     Internet access must not be censored.

         * *Email Mayor Reed and District 7 Councilwoman Madison Nguyen
           at **mayoremail at sanjoseca.gov*
           <mailto:mayoremail at sanjoseca.gov>* and
           **District7 at sanjoseca.gov* <mailto:District7 at sanjoseca.gov>*
           to oppose Library Censorship.*
         * *We have prepared a draft email message below which you can
           customize and send!*

     Let the Mayor and City Council know that our libraries should be
     places for people to access the information they need to be healthy.

     *Studies show that Internet filters used to block access to
     pornography websites can often also block access to websites with
     health information, especially sexual health.*  One study by the San
     José Public Library revealed that such software blocked access to
     items in the library's own health and wellness databases and its
     online encyclopedia. If the City Council approves the plan to place
     filters on our public library computers, people could lose access to
     vital health information, including information on STDs and birth
     control options.

     Please protect our access to important information on our health.
     Send an email to the Mayor and City Council today.

     For more information about library Internet censorship, click here


     /Christina Lokke
     /Public Affairs Director, Silicon Valley
     Planned Parenthood Mar Monte

     *Sample Email Draft:*

         Dear Decisionmaker (Mayor Reed, City Council member),

         I count on the San José Libraries as a resource for important
         information, like my health.  Millions of San José residents
         like me also rely on the library Internet for learning and

         I ask that you ensure everyone continues to have this access in
         our libraries by opposing any plans to install blocking software
         on library computers.

         Our libraries are safe places to learn, research, read and
         discover.  Research has shown that Internet filters used to
         block access to pornography websites can often also block access
         to websites with health information, especially sexual health.
         This access is especially important for teens and young adults
         who use the public libraries to find information about their
         bodies and their health.  For example, a recent study found that
         filtering software improperly blocks access to sites as diverse
         as the American Urological Association, Victims of Pornography
         (an anti-pornography support group) and PFLAG (Parents, Families
         and Friends of Lesbians and Gays -- a LGBT support and advocacy
         group). The software also blocked access to items in the
         library's health and wellness databases.

         Internet use at San José libraries is very high, and problems
         associated with Internet content are extremely rare. There were
         only 13 formal complaints from patrons from throughout the
         entire library system last year. Any limited problems can, and
         should, be properly dealt with by the use of privacy screens,
         recessed seating, and the continued work of staff to enforce
         library rules. Censoring Internet access in the libraries is not
         the right path.

         The inability to access websites and other important resources
         at the public library will particularly impact youth and
         low-income community members, who often do not have other
         alternatives for Internet access.

         Please do not restrict our access to important information.
         Libraries are meant to be a place of learning.  Please oppose
         any plans to censor Internet access in the library by installing
         Internet blocking software.

         Library I use most:

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