[Sosfbay-discuss] FW: Griffin on WTC7

Brian Good snug.bug at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 21 00:47:48 PDT 2009

   Rather than just wait and see what Dr. Griffin has to say about WTC7,
it might be well if we prepare questions to bring up for discussion when
he appears.   

   I was very disappointed in the Truth movement's limp response to 
NIST's WTC7 report last year.  I'm not sure it's even widely understood 
among truthers what the report alleges.  (This is off the top of my head,
a rough draft, and I would welcome any corrections and criticisms, 
particularly from AE911Truth structural engineers such as Kamal Obeid 
and Ron Brookman.)

  NIST claims that fires on the 13th floor heated one of the girders so 
severely that it expanded enough that it fell off its seat at Column 79.   
Thermal expansion is not a "totally new concept in physics" so please 
don't advance that bogosity.  Everyone who ever ran hot water over a 
sticky jar top knows thermal expansion works.  I believe that Chris
 Sarns and Kamal Obeid did calculations showing that the girder could 
not have expanded enough to push off the seat.

  Maybe I'm wrong, and the girder did push off its seat.  Remember we're 
talking about a concrete floor that functions as a membrane.  The girder 
was fastened not only at its column 79 end but at the perimeter end also, 
and the hinging of its perimeter fastening and the perimeter fastenings of 
the floor beams would have taken a lot of energy out of the assault on the 
floor below.  So even if the girder on 13 failed, the notion that the collapsing 
floor could have taken out the floor below and then the floors below that is 
a stretch.

  But maybe I'm wrong, and as NIST claims, three floors fell down, leaving 
column 79 without lateral support.  It buckled and then all of the floors failed 
locally all the way up to the 47th floor so the east penthouse caved in. If 
you're inclined to believe this, please consider the perimeter walls of the 
Twin Towers, which were able because of their rigid horizontal spandrel 
plates to bridge over a 150' hole in a 210 foot wall.  The WTC7 floor 
membranes and column connections, like the WTC perimeter walls,  
represented a Vierendell truss (of orthoganal rather than triangular 
elements) that would have bridged over the stricken column 79.  

  I am very surprised and disappointed that AE911Truth engineers have 
not produced engineering calculations validating my structural intuition 
above.  But maybe I'm wrong, and column 79's failure at the 10th-13th 
floor resulted in a failure telegraphed all the way to the penthouse.  
Does anybody else remember the debate between Jim Hoffman and the 
Veterans for Peace Engineer on 9/11 in the War Memorial Hall in 
San Francisco?  I think that was 2005.  Remember how the engineer
was shaking a piece of doweling around to show what happens to
a perimeter column when it loses lateral support?  

  Consider that NIST alleges that 600-foot tall perimeter columns not
only suffered a total loss of lateral support with no visible sign on the
exterior other than a few broken windows, the floors were peeled off 
them with no visible sign.  That is absolutely unbelievable.  It's as if
my bones and muscles were sucked out of my body with no effect 
on my skin's habitual morphology.

  But maybe I'm wrong and the girder fell off its seat, the membrane 
failed, one floor can take down three more, the Vierendeel truss failed,
and 47 floors can peel off the perimeter walls with no visible sign 
outside.  OK,  WTC7 had 24 core columns in 8 ranks of 3.  NIST says
that column 79 pulled down its sister columns and then rank by rank
the other columns came down--inside the building with no distortion
of the perimeter structure.  Asymmetrical damage to the core structure 
should have inevitably generated toppling forces.  If the core structure
failed from the east side, it should have tipped out the east wall onto
the Post Office next door.  

  NIST wants us to believe that the entire interior of the building 
collapsed in near-freefall acceleration at 7 seconds, leaving the 
perimeter structure standing, which then itself collapsed at 
near-freefall acceleration without the wet-paper-bag distortions
predicted by its computer models.  

  This is absolute bullshit and it's shame that the Truth movement 
has been so weak in saying so.  

   I understand that Dr. Griffin's manuscript has been circulating
(Chris can you hear me?) and if anyone can  ethically forward it 
to me I wold much appreciate it.  I'm looking forward to seeing
Dr. Griffin next month.



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