[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: 'Tis the season to get ready for the next election]

Tian Harter tnharter at aceweb.com
Thu Dec 31 17:02:50 PST 2009

The real way to get ready for the next election is to resolve to run for
Green Party County Council, or some other office on the June ballot.

Gathering signatures in lieu of filing fee for any Partisan office 
begins January 4th, so if you're interested call the Registrar of Voters 
at (408) 299-VOTE for more information. If you just want help collecting
signatures, call me. I'm up for that kind of work, and I want to know 
about your campaign on general principals.
Crossing TX, NM, AZ and CA on I-10, I saw that where there are no lights
at night there is also usually poor radio reception. What a coincidence!

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