[Sosfbay-discuss] Obama Bombs Pakistan

Tian Harter tnharter at aceweb.com
Tue Jan 27 00:24:29 PST 2009

I'm just shocked that the US Military would do that kind of thing. You
know that old saying "the more things change the more they stay the
same"? It's still true. The way I look at it, it's still okay to have 
harmless bushes in your life, but that truth is a bit less political
than it was a week ago. At least I was sharing that joke with people
when it was political. Now it's just harmless.

You know that old thing about "first do no harm"? Wouldn't it be nice
if that was part of respecting the Bill of Rights? Then orders to drop
bombs on humans would clearly be wrong to soldiers that are supposed to
disobey illegal orders but don't because they are too dumb to know right
from wrong. Maybe even driving cars would be seen as bad because the CO2
from the exaust was damaging the climate.

I know, I'm dreaming... Ethics in government? Do I have to smoke weed
to think it's possible? What a world...

Brian Good wrote:
> Showing he can be just as unilateral and as
> contemptuous of int'l law as that other guy was.
> Where's the Peace Movement? 
> I'm sure glad I voted for McKinney.
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/24/pakistan-barack-obama-air-strike
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/23/AR2009012304189.html

Latest change: Added Mountain View Inauguration Event pictures.

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