[Sosfbay-discuss] 5 Days Left Before YARD SALE!!!

Andrea Dorey andid at cagreens.org
Sun Jul 19 09:15:19 PDT 2009

Need more stuff!
Especially kids toys, games, clothes, books, etc!!!  (I have some  
items from Caroline and Valerie)
Clean clothes, blankets, rugs, old furniture, etc!  (I have a  
beautiful step stool and a rug from Tian)
Also, seedlings!! Anyone out there growing seedlings for our  
project??? (I have 4 tomato plants from Warner)
Do we have a green table cloth to fit a standard picnic table?

Any raffle tickets??

Need people to sign up!!!  I'd like to have 2, better 3, people to  
help in the AM and PM.

9 AM set up on Saturday morning (or earlier if you can)
Caroline has volunteered for the morning only.

6 PM take down (not as critical)

And time periods in between to help with taking in money, watching  
merchandise, etc.
I have NO ONE for the afternoon.

(Will have snacks in the house for "coffee" breaks all day—you will  
be treated like the royalty you are!!)

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