[Sosfbay-discuss] 4 Days Left to Yard Sale/July 25th!!

Andrea Dorey andid at cagreens.org
Mon Jul 20 12:27:37 PDT 2009

Hi, GP Colleagues!

We have added to our stuff for the sale:  TWO exercise machines in  
good condition are now stashed at the Nightingale location alongside  
Caroline's machine.
I will be dusting off and tightening bolts on these.  I think we may  
set up an interesting gym area in the garage, which will be shady and  
we can let interested people try them out before they haul them off.

BTW, kudos to Caroline and her hardworking SUV for picking me up in  
Palo Alto, driving to pick up the two machines, driving to Sunnyvale  
to unload them, and driving me back to the Stanford mansion, and then  
having to drive back to Sunnyvale home and the rest of her very busy  
day!!  You're a dreamgirl, Caroline!!!

One of the new machines is a Schwinn stair climber and the other I  
forgot to check on.  Caroline's is an arm and leg exerciser, but I  
haven't yet looked for identifying labels on that either.  More to- 
do's on the list!

Could someone volunteer to search the web for possible prices on  
these second-hand exercise machines???  A ballpark figure would more  
than suffice.

I now have TWO people who have volunteered to be there:
Caroline will be there for the setup and AM
Carol will be there all day and she is bringing some tables (and  
maybe some goodies) with her.

I would like to have at least one more person for the morning and two  
more people for the afternoon.
Two people should watch the front lawn area which will probably have  
the kids' books and toys and clothes
and the garage "gym."

Another should watch the backyard with seedlings, GP literature, and  
adult clothes.  We may also have some solar tea and other  
environmental demonstrations in the back.

Someone with a good sense of order and flow would be helpful with  
setting up that morning!!!  Hint, hint.

Then of course there's the cash box which should watched at ALL  
TIMES, as we did with Warner's sale.  Losing our profits would be a  

I need RAFFLE TICKETS!!  I think.  We could also do some surprise  
boxes priced at $5.00 with perhaps stuff for kids?  for adults?  Any  
feedback on this??
The 6-foot white rabbit will return and we could raffle this off, but  
I want at least $50 worth of tickets before we let someone win.  GPs  
are encouraged to enter as well.  Some kid is going to nuts over this  

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