[Sosfbay-discuss] California Peace and Freedom Party Goes National

Edward the_alliance47 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 6 19:15:48 PDT 2009

I think that the difference between the Green Party and P&F Party is clear and distinct. There will always be those who say the Greens are too radical and there will always be those who say the P&F folks are too radical, but in the end, I know why I am a Green. 

While some people may think that the New Left and socialism are going to come back with a vengeance, I can firmly say that if they want the support of the American youth, the New Left will be greatly disappointed. "Revolution" is no longer an appealing word to the Millennials. This is not to say that we are content with things the way they are, because we are not. However, many of us believe that we are able to work within the framework of the democratic process to achieve change. While everyone has seen that freeing the market has not equated with freeing the people, it would be equally erroneous to think that replacing the free market with the state will solve our problems. It is only the Green solution that synthesises economic growth with environmental sustainability can we provide our country with the correct path of development.

It is as important now as it has ever been to remain focused on where we are and where we want to go. An attempt to revive the New Left by a small group of Californians should not be a distraction, because it will not push us off course. Appealing to young Californians ought to be easier for us than anybody else, because we have Green on our side.


Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 17:42:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Caroline Yacoub <carolineyacoub at att.net>
Subject: Re: [Sosfbay-discuss] Fwd: California Peace and Freedom Party
    Goes    National
To: alexcathy at aol.com
Cc: sosfbay-discuss <sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org>
Message-ID: <176658.24416.qm at web81207.mail.mud.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Thank you. I agree.

--- On Thu, 6/4/09, alexcathy at aol.com <alexcathy at aol.com> wrote:

From: alexcathy at aol.com <alexcathy at aol.com>
Subject: [Sosfbay-discuss] Fwd: California Peace and Freedom Party Goes National
To: sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org, gplac-forum at lists.cagreens.org, gpbc at googlegroups.com
Date: Thursday, June 4, 2009, 3:33 PM

Dear Green Friends, 

An old friend in New York sent me the e-mail below.? It seems our comrades in the California Peace and Freedom Party are ambitious. 

I am sorry to see that.? A rival 3rd party sputtering tired 1960's "radical" 

clich?s is, in my opinion, *NOT* what the world needs now and will only confuse the issue. 

When I replied to my friend, Carol's e-mail I had to explain why I am a registered Green and not P&F.? I had to write down all the reasons why I think our 10 Key Values are not only *superior* to Democratic Party liberalism, but also *superior* to that old "New Left" stuff.? I wrote about some of the history of the Greens in Europe and around the world.? I told her about my conversations with Venezuelan Greens at the GP National Convention last summer in Chicago and why the Movimiento Ecol?gico de Venezuela reluctantly joi ned the opposition to Hugo Chavez. 

In my humble opinion, all systems based on the 19th Century model of industrial "civilization" are obsolete.? That means not only capitalist "liberalism" and "conservatism." It also means old-fashioned revolutionary socialism and all those little revolutionary nationalisms imitating British, French, Dutch, and Portuguese colonialism.? 

The global Green parties, or something like it, is what the world needs now even if we, ourselves, sometimes don't have sense enough to know it. 

Alex Walker

-----Original Message-----
From: Carol Hanisch 
To: . . .Alex Walker <AlexCathy at aol.com>; Cathy Deppe <CathyD at 9to5.org>
Sent: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 6:27 am
Subject: California P & F Party goes national

So what do my California friends make of this?


Carol Hanisch
hanisch at verizon.net

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