[Sosfbay-discuss] California Peace and Freedom Party Goes National

Edward the_alliance47 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 7 11:45:58 PDT 2009

Hi Mark,

I definitely agree that we should not be building an exclusive club of self-righteous people, but my original email was intended to share why I am a registered Green as opposed to another political party. I did not have the intention of saying that Greens are right and everyone else is wrong, but meant to say that the Green world view most closely matches my own.

Actions speak louder than words, like you mentioned, and I totally agree and I think the Greens have been doing a good job of that (e.g. single-payer action last week, opposing the War on Terror, etc.). What has worked in the past and will continue to work is for us to reach out and find allies (and form coalitions when necessary). There are many groups out there who are Green in one way or another, but might not realise it themselves. My experience organising on campus and working in DC last summer (and hopefully your own experience) confirmed that the progressive/Green movement has many facets and many people with passions in each of these facets. What I wanted to highlight in my original email is not that I want to ostracise other groups in general, but to know what we stand for and not be distracted with groups that are not our allies. They will always be out there, but it is more productive, in my opinion, to continue building our network with
 organisations with whom we can work to further Green values.

Dialogue within and without is very important, so I want to thank you for your thoughtful response :)


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