[Sosfbay-discuss] Thanks, 'Progressive' Secular D.C.-Obsessed Democrats - L.A. Archdiocese Offers Summer School

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Tue Jun 9 07:26:02 PDT 2009

Dear Friends,

Eric Alterman is the media columnist for The Nation, weblogger for
MSNBC.com, and a "fellow" at the Center for American Progress (read:
Democratic Party Propaganda Factory). For 8 years he
signed off every column about the depredations of the Bush Regime with
a sarcastic "Thanks Again, Ralph."? 

Lately, I have read some griping among our religiously secular
"progressive" Democrats about Sonia Sotomayer's Roman Catholicism.?
Accordingly, by the application of Alterman's Harvard-Yale-Stanford-educated logic, I can write:

"Thanks again, 'progressive' secular Washington-obsessed Democrats.?
Thanks to your preoccupation with Washington gossip and your total
indifference to local government, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los
Angeles, of all special interests, will have an opportunity to instruct a captive audience of up
to 200,000 public school students with summer school."

You see, here in One-Party Democratic Los Angeles, the grossly
incompetent Los Angeles Unified School District has cancelled summer
school for almost 200,000 students who'll be spending their summer days
on the hot L.A. streets.? Now comes an announcement that the Roman
Catholic schools in Southern California are prepared to welcome all

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KABC TV IN LOS ANGELES, Monday, June 8, 2009.

L.A. Archdiocese Offers Summer School

by Lisa Hernandez

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (KABC) -- Cardinal Roger Mahony has announced
another option for Los Angeles Unified School District students whose
summer school classes were canceled due to the budget crisis. The
Archdiocese of Los Angeles is offering summer classes at local Catholic

"In speaking with Superintendent Cortines last week, I said that LAUSD
students would be most welcome to attend school classes being offered
at many of our Catholic secondary and elementary schools in the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles," said Cardinal Mahony during a news
conference at Our Lady of Loretta Elementary School. 

?School administrators say no matter the students' religious
background, private Catholic schools welcome all students interested in
learning. The schools also offer many of the same classes provided by
the LAUSD.

"Many of the schools do integrate some of the liturgical activities,
prayer services, things like that," said Pat Livingston, Superintendent
of Elementary Schools at Archdiocese of Los Angeles. "But I think you
would mostly find the focus on academic skills because that's what the
kids need to continue through the summer." 

?Dozens of Catholic schools around Southern California are participating in the program.

Tuition for a five-to-six week program ranges from $100 to $350
depending on the type of program. However, Cardinal Mahony says each of
the schools involved in the program will work individually with parents
who require financial assistance.

More than 200,000 students will be affected by the LAUSD's decision last month to cancel summer school this year. 


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Thanks again, "progressive" secular Washington-obsessed Democrats.? ? 


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