[Sosfbay-discuss] HR 676 could prevent 60% of cancer deaths

Edward the_alliance47 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 25 11:42:11 PDT 2009

As you may have heard, Farrah Fawcett has died this morning from cancer. However, what you may not know is that 3 out of 5 cancer deaths could be prevented with the proper access to screening and preventive care.

Single-payer would make preventive care a higher priority, because it is not concerned about short-term profits like our current health insurance companies.

I think we need to take every opportunity we get to encourage our legislators to actively support HR 676 and S.703.

The following is an Action Item from the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network: https://secure3.convio.net/acscan/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=4493

The ACS wants legislation that would:
stop insurers from using pre-existing conditions, like cancer, as a reason to deny or limit coverageensure that people with a chronic or catastrophic disease, like cancer, are not financially ruined by the cost of careplace reasonable limitations on premiums and other patient out-of pocket costsabolish annual and lifetime caps on dollars spent or access to servicesplace much greater emphasis on prevention

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