[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: Today We Honor Greens]

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 14 20:15:33 PDT 2009

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Today We Honor Greens
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 22:15:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: Green Party of the United States <gpinfo at gp.org>
Reply-To: gpinfo at gp.org
To: santaclara at cagreens.org


Dear Santa Clara County Greens,

As the Nobel Prize awards continue to be announced from Oslo this week,
the Green Party of the United States looks to honor those who support
the Green Party despite the incredible support the international
community has given to President Obama's version of "peace".

Despite Tuesday's Washington Post report that President Obama has
secretly authorized 13,000 more American soldiers to continue the
occupation of Afghanistan - in addition to an announced increase of over
20,000 soldiers - the Nobel Peace Prize committee chose to honor his
promises to bring about change.

We honor the Green Party members, supporters, candidates, and donors who
are helping create real change by supporting the real alternative to
corporate, war-making politics.

The Nobel Peace Prize committee chose to honor President Obama's promise
to end the American-led war in Iraq, yet over 100,000 American troops
still occupy that country.

We honor the hundreds of thousands of Americans who voted for Green
Party candidates in 2008 in an attempt to put real leaders into power -
leaders who follow up on their promises, work for real peace, and work
to save lives, not put them in harm's way.

The Nobel Peace Prize committee chose to honor President Obama's
promises to work for poor people around the world, and to re-shape our
economic policies to keep the rich from getting richer and the
middle-class and poor from continued suffering.￿ Yet the day before his
Nobel Peace Prize was awarded, President Obama's Department of Defense
requested $680 billion more in defense spending for the Pentagon.

We honor those who don't have million-dollar defense contracts but still
chose to give what they can to support the Green Party.￿ We honor those
who work every day to expose the corporate backing of our elected
officials in Washington and the favors those corporation get in return
for their "investment".

We honor the thosands of Greens who have participated in actions against
the Bush and Obama administration's war plans for Iraq and Afghanistan,
and we honor those who will once again take to the streets on October
17th in a national day of actions against those wars.

We honor YOU - the supporters of the Green Party of the United States -
and once against ask you to support us as we work from the grassroots to
elect local and county, state, and Congressional leaders who will take a
real stand for peace and will be able to back up the Peace Prizes they
win with actions, not just hope and promises.

Please help us fulfill our mission by donating


to the Green Party today.￿ We don't take ANY corporate money because we
think corporate money in politics is wrong.￿ If you want to help us work
for peace, please help us today.￿ Your donation


to the Green Party will help us make sure we have a strong Green Party
today and into the future.

[Donate to GP Fund]


You can help us reach the goal we set in July at our national meeting of
funding our operations with the help of 500 sustainers giving $10,000 a
month by the end of 2009.￿ Click here


become a sustaining donor to the Green Party today!

Your gift of any amount will help to strengthen our voice so that we can
make our vision a reality.￿ With your help we can provide support for
candidates and spread the Green message.￿ If you have given recently,
please consider giving more.￿ And, if you haven't given in some time,
please make today the day you give.


Email: gpinfo at gp.org


Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 202-319-7191 or toll-free
(US): 866-41GREEN

We are not the alternative - we are the imperative. Rosa Clemente


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