[Sosfbay-discuss] Fwd: Sat. at 9:45PM in San Francisco see CRUDE: The Real Price of Oil

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Wed Sep 23 06:45:44 PDT 2009

Cathy Deppe and I saw "Crude" Saturday in Los Angeles.? It is excellent!? Very, very powerful.? 

One thing unusual about it is that, unlike most "lefty" documentaries, you see a lot more about the difficulties and the human toll of organizing.? You see all the factors at play: the indigenous people, the local lawyer -- a local kid using his education to give back to his people, the well-heeled liberals in the U.S. pushing the lawsuit, and the celebrities helping to raise money and draw media attention.? 

This is also another example of why pushing lawsuits through the courts is *not* the way to change the world. The process is just too slow when people are dying from the effects of parasitic big business.? 

Alex Walker 
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