[Sosfbay-discuss] 1000 Architects and Engineers

Brian Good snug.bug at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 17 12:22:46 PST 2010

    1000 architects and engineers want new 9/11 investigations.  

    Wouldn't it be great if the AE911Truth talents, including 2 PhD architects, 
18 PhD engineers, and 56 other PhDs, could spend their energies making 
the world better (like designing safe low-cost housing) instead of trying to 
make it less bad?

   Forget your beliefs about 9/11 truth.  Truthers push a lot of nonsense, 
and often overstate their case.  I went independent over a year ago.


    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigation of 
the twin towers cut off its study at the moment of collapse initiation and thus 
dodged the most baffling aspects of the buildings' failures:

►symmetry (how does asymmetrical airplane damage and asymmetrical fire 
damage make a failure propagating across a robust, cross-braced core of 
47 steel columns to yield a symmetrical collapse?)

►totality (see symmetry)

►speed (NIST says in Section 6.14.4 "essentially in free fall".  Since the energyrequired to dismember the steel structure must be subtracted from the energyavailable to bring the debris to earth, this speed is puzzling)

►pulverization of 220 acres of concrete floors and associated steel pans (see 
"speed" above--the first law of thermodynamics demands that the energy consumedin pulverization be provided by (subtracted from) the kinetic energy available to 
bring the buildings down "essentially in free-fall".)

►molten steel (a dozen witnesses report melted steel, including Dr. Abolhassan 
Astaneh-Asl, a professor of structural engineering at Berkeley.  Jet fuel does not 
burn hot enough to melt steel.  Incendiaries such as thermite do.  Dr. Steven Jonesclaims he has found flakes of unignited thermite in the WTC dust.)


    WTC7, the third skyscraper that fell, was nearly as tall as the TransAmerica 
Pyramid and had almost four times the floor area.  NIST posits an unbelievable 
collapse mechanism, claiming the entire interior of the building--all the floors, 
and all the columns--fell down in 7 seconds leaving an empty shell standing.  

   That would leave 600-foot-tall perimeter columns standing with no lateral 
support from the floors, and NIST's computer models show the shell folding up 
like a wet paper bag.  (Their picture only goes up to floor 25 -- presumably to 
hide the upper stories because they're even more distorted) http://i36.tinypic.com/25jbody.jpg

  The videos look much different:  virtually undistorted, the building comes straight 
and symmetrically down into a tidy heap in 6.5 seconds. 


   Check out the AE911Truth.org website.  http://www.ae911truth.org/     
Also see this independent enhanced production of an appearance by AE911Truth
founder Richard Gage on Fox News Fresno last May:

   Please bring up your questions with any architects, engineers, physicists, and 
builders you know.  You or they are free to phone or email me.

   After way too many years on this stuff, I would be extremely grateful if some 
knowledgeable engineer would pat my silly little head and show me where I'm 
wrong so I can move on in my life.  I have emailed a couple thousand college 
professors and I've never seen any indication that they can.

  Even if the conspiracy theories about 9/11 are completely bogus (and I wish I
could believe that) the silent acquiescence to unbelievable, dishonest, and 
incomplete official reports gives the lie to the belief that we live in an open and 
democratic society.

  Chief Ray Downey, FDNY, was one of the premier collapse experts in the USA.
He said the failure of WTC2 was too even to be a natural collapse, and it looked 
like it was done with explosives.  He died a half hour later when WTC1 collapsed.  
In service of Chief Downey and other Ground Zero victims I continue to quest for 
plausible answers.

  Brian Good               650.327.6214

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