[Sosfbay-discuss] Call for Agenda Items GPSCC Monthly Meeting Wed. Feb. 3rd

wb4d23 at aol.com wb4d23 at aol.com
Wed Jan 20 13:26:37 PST 2010

At the January GPSCC general meeting, I volunteered to prepare  the agenda 
for the next meeting.
This is a first call for requests for agenda items.   Please indicate if 
your requests will be a report, decision item or both.   Please provide a 
brief description of the topic and plainly state what you will  be proposing for 
Please indicate the amount of time you are requesting for each  proposed 
agenda item.
At this time, we anticipate:  Preliminary appointments of  delegates and 
alternates for the upcoming Plenary; Decisions on four ballot  measures for 
County Polling; Updates on preparations and needs for volunteers  for the 
March 6th-7th Plenary; Updates for the next Food for Thought event;  Updates on 
County Council candidates.
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