[GPSCC-chat] Valerie's efforts re Laura Wells event

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 2 15:15:18 PDT 2010

Valerie is to be commended for her efforts.
Just look at all that she did for the event.
Here is a copy of her email to me.

Hi Jim,

I'm sorry for the delay in responding.  
I've been feeling pretty bad most of the week, 
so I did not go to the Farmers Market last Friday 
after all, and I delayed making phone calls for a while.

I did eventually make calls to 94085, 94086 and part of 
94087 with the following results:

busy: 8
disconnected: 22
left message on answering machine/voicemail: 54
left message w/human: 4
maybe/will try to attend: 4
moved out of CA: 1
no answer: 8
not available to attend: 14
wrong number: 14
Total: 129

I also posted information about the event on a few 
online events sites: Yahoo, sanjose.com, Yelp and Zvents.

I did try to go last night, but my first bus was delayed, 
so I missed my connection with the second bus.  After checking 
my other options at that point, I determined that I would get 
there pretty late and I might as well stay home.

I hope that the event was a success and that Laura got her 
message out to more people and got some good donations.  
I will mail her the donation that I intended to give last night.

Best wishes,

~*~*~*~   Car-Free for 30 Years   ~*~*~*~

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