[GPSCC-chat] Help! DOes nayone know ...

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 25 21:10:14 PDT 2010

I have had 2 calls to the GP phone number.

1) A woman who is registered to vote but is
    unlisted otherwise got a letter from someone
    asking this woman to vote for some candidate.
    And the letter said it was not paid by the
    candidate or the party.  She wanted to know
    the letter writer got her address.

    I know that candidate campaigns and parties
    are entitled to access to the coter rolls,
    but what about a campaign independent of
    candidate and party?

2) A man called who wants to campaign for Duane.
    Apparently he has tried to communicate with
    the Duan campaign with some response, but not
    enough.  Can we help him out?


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