[GPSCC-chat] Move To Amend Posters

Tian Harter tnharter at aceweb.com
Mon Aug 29 14:36:03 PDT 2011

I have now got a .pdf for our local event, based on the template Valerie
forwarded to me. It's half a megabyte, so I'm not going to post it to 
this list. However, if you want a copy email me and I'll send it 
attached to a reply email.

Also, I'm about to get some printed, but the question is "How many?"
If you want some tell me how many, and I'll see what I can do.
They are probably going to be a bit expensive to print, so don't go
crazy. However, I'm willing to underwrite some. Let me know.
Latest change: words and pictures from and about Bike Party's ride.
The screw I got mile 81 of bike the limits is on a Guam quarter.

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