[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: Congress Attacks Free Speech Online

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 18 11:20:46 PST 2011



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Congress Attacks Free Speech Online
Date: 	Fri, 18 Feb 2011 16:18:05 +0000
From: 	Timothy Karr, FreePress.net <info at freepress.net>
Reply-To: 	Timothy Karr, FreePress.net <info at freepress.net>
To: 	Gerald Gras <gerrygras at earthlink.net>

SavetheInternet.com <http://savetheinternet.com>

*Take Action Now*

Dear Gerald,

Yesterday, the House voted to block the FCC from protecting our right to
access an open Internet. If successful, the move would give phone and
cable companies absolute, unrestricted power over the Internet.

In the Senate, Republicans have introduced a "resolution of disapproval"
that would strip the FCC of its authority to protect our right to free
speech online.^1 Both of these moves come at a time when phone and cable
giants are already restricting our ability to connect with others and
share information.^2

We can stop the resolution in the Senate by getting 51 members to stand
with us for online freedom:

*Tell Your Senators: Defend Our Right to Free Speech Online*

A House vote is on the books. It's now up to the Senate. If it doesn't
stop this resolution, the FCC would be barred from enforcing its already
weak Net Neutrality rule, and from acting /in any way/ to protect
Internet users against corporate abuses by AT&T, Comcast and Verizon.

*This is not a symbolic congressional exercise — it's a scorched-earth
campaign that leaves Americans at the mercy of a corporate cartel.*

Imagine a world where these companies are allowed to do anything they
want, ban any speech they don't like, charge anything they can get away
with, and hold innovation hostage to their profit margins. If this
resolution passes, there's nothing anyone could do about it.

The resolution is filibuster-proof. We need at least 51 senators to beat
it. Will your senators stand with us?

*Sign this letter to demand that Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara
Boxer protect free speech online. *
<http://act2.freepress.net/go/2386?akid=2310.9653046.ev5s-0&t=3>We will
deliver it to their offices in Washington and provide you with tools to
spread the word across California.

Thanks for all you can do.

Timothy Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press Action Fund

1. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
and John Ensign (R-Nevada) introduced the “resolution of disapproval
<http://act2.freepress.net/go/2387?akid=2310.9653046.ev5s-0&t=4>” on
Wednesday. It already has 39 Republican cosponsors. In the House, Reps.
Fred Upton (R-Michigan) and Greg Walden (R-Oregon) are pushing a similar

2. FCC Commissioner Michael Copps outlined the recent history of “real
threats” to Internet openness during his opening remarks
Wednesday before the House Commerce Committee (pdf).


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