[GPSCC-chat] Call For Volunteers for a GPUS Presidential Nominating Convention in San Jose

WB4D23 at aol.com WB4D23 at aol.com
Mon Feb 21 17:16:53 PST 2011

Folks:  At the January GPSCC general meeting, we again  briefly discussed 
the idea that the GPSCC might consider hosting the 2012 GPUS  Presidential 
Nominating Convention.  At that time it was suggested we  should see if there 
were 25 individuals who would volunteer for what would be an  extended 
planning process and an intense local hosting event in June or July  2012.  The 
biggest issue for doing this is a site needs to be identified  ASAP and 
reservations made about a year in advance.  
There also is a formal process for the proposal to be  accepted by the 
national Green Party, which will have  responsibility for all contracts and 
expenses.  The GPUS also will have  responsibility for the handling on-line 
registration and credentialing  delegates.  The GPUS also will have 
responsibility for preparing all  meeting schedules.
This would be an opportunity to learn or hone various skills  in event 
planning and operations, community outreach, media relations and other  
components of such an event.
It would need commitments for event participation in such  areas as 
preparing local information (transportation, meals, local areas of  interest); 
providing persons to assist with registration, directions and  transportation 
assistance, go-for assistance as-needed, and locating local  home hosts for 
people for whom dorm or hotel costs would be a  financial hardship.
If you are willing to volunteer for any of these (or  other tasks) to 
prepare a proposal and help out with the event, please contact  Warner Bloomberg 
(408) 295-9353 _wb3d23 at aol.com_ (mailto:wb3d23 at aol.com) 
Thanx!!!   Warner

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