[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: Re: [gpsmc-d] Documentary: "Lifting The Veil"

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sun May 8 18:44:04 PDT 2011

Arlen has provided a link to an interesting film.
Partly about what's wrong with Democrats and
Republicans, partly about what is wrong with

I watched whole thing.

WARNING: this is nearly two hours long.

Some additional info (all from the last few minutes):
- "A Film by Scott Noble"
- "Metanoia-Films.org"
- "Much of the text for this film derives from the
    (no affiliation)"


Arlen Comfort wrote:
> This may be quite a video. I just watched the first 13 minutes. From
> minute 7 to 12 it is video clips of Obama making campaign promises of
> what he would do if elected. What a reminder . . . what a collection.
> See if you can find any promises that he kept. Good luck!
> I think if every democrat saw this . . . Obama would not getting
> re-elected.
> But who then?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxLRDy0eOoU&feature=feedu


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