[GPSCC-chat] Wow, is THIS the BOOK I predicted??

Eric A. Meece eric at philosopherswheel.com
Tue Oct 11 16:51:03 PDT 2011

Wow, is THIS the BOOK I predicted?
  A few of you might remember (and in any case it's probably on my website or in my book) that I predicted that the planetary cycles (especially Pluto's entry into Capricorn in 2008) would see a book published that becomes the catalyst for change that unfolds over the following decades as Pluto moves on into Aquarius. I saw this possibility because when Pluto entered Capricorn in 1517, Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the Wittenberg Church door, and in 1762 Rousseau published The Social Contract, inspiration for the age of revolution.

  Could this be IT??? What'ya think?

  "Now, at 93, he is the author of a best seller that has become a publishing phenomenon in France. It is not the story of his life (he wrote his autobiography years ago), but a thin, impressionistic pamphlet called "Indignez-Vous!," held together by two staples and released by a two-person publishing house run out of the attic of their home. It urges young people to revive the ideal of resistance to the Nazis by peacefully resisting the "international dictatorship of the financial markets" and defending the "values of modern democracy."

  He is Stephane Hessel, now 94 (born Oct.20, 1917), and is now in America speaking to overflow crowds. It may have helped inspire the Arab Spring and therefore also the current Occupy movement. Tonight he was interviewed on the Newshour.

  The interview does not appear to be posted on the newshour website yet, but I'm sure it will be soon.

  Here is an interview that was not broadcast:

  "The book was an accident. Inspired by a speech Mr. Hessel gave in 2008 to commemorate the Resistance, Ms. Crossman proposed publishing a pamphlet based on his thinking. After three interviews with Mr. Hessel she whipped his words into a text. He did a bit of editing, and voilà, 8,000 copies were printed by Ms. Crossman and Mr. Barou's publishing house, Indigène. The only advertising was word of mouth."

  His book is called "Time for Outrage" in English



  What an inspiring fellow.

  Makes me want to sing La Marseillaise.

  ""Like a song you hum or a film you recommend to friends, Indignez-Vous ! crystallises the spirit of the time. To buy it is a militant act, a gesture towards community and participation in a collective emotion." Libération

  "The book urges the French, and everyone else, to recapture the wartime spirit of resistance to the Nazis by rejecting the "insolent, selfish" power of money and markets and by defending the social "values of modern democracy." Independent"
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