[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: [Occupy PA] Provident Credit Union using "Big Bank" strong arm tactics?

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 9 09:45:47 PDT 2012



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Occupy PA] Provident Credit Union using "Big Bank" strong arm 
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 01:29:16 -0700
From: James <hobredo at gmail.com>
To: OStan <occupystanford at googlegroups.com>,  OPalo 
<occupypaloalto at googlegroups.com>,  OMV 
<occupy-mountain-view at googlegroups.com>

Please take the time to read this message from Emiliano, a Redwood
City gentleman. His family moved their money out of a Big Bank but
recently became a victim of their credit union, which has been
emulating Big Bank misbehavior.

If his story below speaks to you, please click the link he provides
and help get his petition off the ground:


Thank you,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Emiliano Sanchez <capofchange at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 12:47 AM
Subject: [Occupy RWC] Provident Credit Union using "Big Bank" strong
arm tactics?
To: occupy-redwood-city at googlegroups.com

A year and a half ago we switched from Wells Fargo in support of the
big bank transfer movement to our car loan provider, Provident Credit
Union. After last night however I am concerned that this particular
credit union has learned some the tactics that have made the big banks
lots of money from their "customers".

In front of my 6 and 7 yr. old children our family's minivan was
repossessed for missing one month payment, after 6 years of paying
over the minimum monthly payment . Only on one income, we needed until
the 15th of this month (anyone who gets paid bi-monthly can
understand) to bring our account current. No calls were made from the
"bank", just the sound of a tow truck and the best explanations to our
young children was all we could do last night. Luckily the tow truck
driver was nice enough to let us pull the only cars seats we have out
before he took off.

After talking with a representative with Provident today, Provident
could have saved $330 and made a phone call. Now in order to get our
family's van back we have to pay Provident and towing $600 ontop of
bringing the account current. I thought, as most people do and hope,
that credit unions were different. Well if you have Provident as your
financial institution you can start second guessing how many more of
these type of stong arm tactics will become "business as usual".

Please sign the petition to tell the President of Provident Mr. Wayne
Bunker that we the people want credit unions to be differernt than the
big banks and thats why we transferred to them.

  Thank you in advance to everyone behind the occupy(   ) movement! You
can find the petition here:


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