[GPSCC-chat] Help Get Adam to The Nation

Brian Good snug.bug at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 14 22:20:28 PDT 2012

I met Adam Hudson when he was the leader of the Action Condi Group at Stanford, trying
make Dr. Condoleezza Rice accountable for her crimes associated with torture and aggressive
war.  I got to know him better when we both volunteered as after-school tutors at the 49er 
Academy in East Palo Alto.  Adam is from Pittsburg, California (near Antioch), he majored 
in International Relations, and at Stanford he did not allow the temptations of the prospect 
of a high-flying career to corrupt him.  

Adam will be starting an internship at The Nation magazine in September.  He needs money
to get to New York.  I considered it a privilege to participate in this auspicious undertaking.
I hope you will consider giving ten or twenty dollars (or more!) to give Adam a big vote of

Here's his bio:  http://adamhudson.org/about/

Here's his blog:  http://adamhudson.org/

Here's the fundraising page:  http://www.gofundme.com/11fz2k?utm_source=sendgrid.com&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Emails

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