[GPSCC-chat] Jill Stein Nomination Acceptance Speech

Brian Good snug.bug at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 17 14:25:27 PDT 2012

Occupy the voting booth!

Tian can be seen at 10:26, 29:30, 31:12, and 44:15  

Green New Deal starts at 14:00:  it will end climate change, obviate wars for oil, 
and end unemployment by creating ecologically, economically, and socially 
sustainable jobs in clean manufacture, local food production, public transport, 
clean renewable energy, health care, low cost housing, drug prevention--  
ecologically sustainable jobs that serve our social needs.  There will be a
moratorium on foreclosures and evictions.

Corporate backers of our legislature depend on high unemployment to keep
wages down.

Medicare for all.  Tuition-free public education K-through college, an investment 
in the future.   (The G.I. bill returned $7 for every dollar invested.)

The economy and our democracy have been hijacked by the big banks and 
financiers.  End bailouts and corporate giveaways, and break up the big banks.
Restore Glass-Steagall.  Establish public control of the money supply and
credit.  90% tax on bonuses for bailed-out bankers.  

Reforms are necessary to restore democracy.  End Big Money's domination of
elections.  We need a constitutional amendment:  corporations are not people
and money is not speech.  We'll guarantee paper ballots, create non-partisan 
election commissions, restore voting rights of 1.4 million ex-felons; and  
implement IRV, proportional representation, public finance, and equal
access to the airwaves and the debates.  (Occupy the Debates.)

The Green New Deal will p us back from the brink--for our economy, our
environment, and our democracy.  

Bring the troops and the war dollars home from illegal, immoral wars and 
from 1000 military bases in 140 countries where we don't need to be.  
Militarism will be replaced by foreign policy based on respect for international
law and human rights.

Repeal unAmerican provisions of the PATRIOT Act, and the NDAA, and
the Anti-Trespass and Anti Terrorism Acts that criminalize protest.  Prohibit
DHS and FBI conspiring with local police to suppress freedom of speech.

Legalize marijuana, end the war on immigrants.  End the deportations!  End
so-called Free Trade agreements that generate economic refugees, and 
institute Fair Trade agreements.

The Politics of Fear have brought us everything we were afraid of.  It's time
for the Politics of Courage.  Let's turn the White House into a Green House.


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