[GPSCC-chat] call for agenda items for Thursday

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 25 16:42:10 PDT 2012

This is the next to last call for agenda items for Thursday.

However, I do request that when submitting an agenda item that you
  1)  include which direction is intended   (e.g., basic information, 
status report, action to take)
  2)  the outcome you wish to see.
  3)  the time needed for the topic

Thus, for each of the items submitted to date
those three points still need to be addressed

Tian:  discuss regional rep situation (?)    discuss for the sake of 

Caroline knew she would at least report on Health Care for All Californians
  and might have more after attending one of their metings

Brian Good:   California DICSLOSE Act.
  Move to Amend (corporate personhood)
  Rural revitalization based on above campaigns.

Spencer:  Foreclosures (time permitting).

So I ask for a resubmittal of those items that include the three elements
general purpose, desiredd outcome, and time needed

Here are other items that were submitted and follow those guidlines

Carol would like 5 minnutes to get some feedback on our major grievances
to take to the constitutional convention 2.0  The current list (of 100) 
is at

treasurer's report to include review of operating expenses
information only, 2 min

introduction to FPPC filing forms, information only, 5 min

proposal: supplemental donation of $100 to the San Jose Peace
and Justice Center, approval, 3 min

proposal: provide a $100 subsidy for travel to the national convention,
approval, 3 min

pass the hat - 1 min

fundraising for candidates -vis-a-vis the top two primary requirements
frefer to committee, 5 min

outreach plans: survey availability of activists, refer to committee, 7 min

presidential campaign: flyers, funds, outreach - refer to committee, 7 min

involving young voters:  community service programs, refer to committee, 
7 min

and these "just in"

invited speaker "Rita"
BANK ACTION  hand out move your money flyersrequest volunteers  (5 min)
time date and place tbd

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