[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: 24 HOURS: All eyes on AZ, CT, DC

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 29 13:26:28 PDT 2012

Wow, they got three more states to qualify yesterday!
Today's the last day.  Theoretically, they could do it
with 5 more donations of $250 each in Connecticut.
But they are trying to get 3 more states to qualify,
not just one, as insurance in case of a challenge.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	24 HOURS: All eyes on AZ, CT, DC
Date: 	Fri, 29 Jun 2012 19:47:04 +0000
From: 	Dr. Jill Stein <HQ at JillStein.org>
To: 	Gerald Grass <gerrygras at earthlink.net>



All eyes on Arizona, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia*



I am very grateful for your response over the past few days. You have
pushed our Green Party presidential campaign to the brink of success in
our quest for federal matching funds

Eight states have qualified for matching funds in the past 5 days. *Now,
with only 24 hours to go, everything is hinging upon finishing the job
in Arizona, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia.

*If we can succeed in these three states (for Greens, DC will
/always/ be a state), then you will be assured of having a voice in the
2012 presidential race. We challenge the pro-war, pro-Wall Street,
anti-democratic rhetoric of the establishment candidates and present a
vision of a peaceful, just, secure green future that creates a livable
world for all people. For the past four years, we've been pushing
forward for affordable health care,  an end to the wars, immigrant
rights, solving the student debt problem, sensible drug policies, and
protection of our civil liberties. Now, with just one final push, we can
bring all those issues into the presidential arena.

*But it all hinges on what happens in three critical states in the next
24 hours.*  Here is what remains to be raised from those states:

   * District of Columbia:  $2,291
   * Arizona:  $1,465
   * Connecticut:  $1,249

Raising these small amounts will result in a grant from the federal
government that will almost DOUBLE the contributions
everyone across the country has already made.  And the doubling will
continue for months to come. This will be a watershed event for
independent politics in America.
There are two things we hope you will do RIGHT NOW to ensure our success:*

*First,* if you've donated to my campaign before, please consider making
an additional donation of *at least half* what you gave before. Any
amount up to $250 per person will count toward our qualifying goals -
- (If
you've already given $250, consider asking your friends or family
members to make a donation).

*Second, send the appeal below
10 of your friends in the critical three states*. Or mail it to any
suitable email lists to which you subscribe.  Post it on your Facebook
page.  This forwarding of the message is extremely important.

On Sunday, we will announce the results of our effort.  Today, all eyes
are on Arizona, Connecticut, and DC. Let's make it happen!


     Jill Stein



*ADD YOUR OWN COVER NOTE IF YOU WISH* (E.G.  "Hi.  I don't usually pass
on appeals like this, but this looks like an extraordinary opportunity
to change the political dialogue for the better. "
= = = = =

*TITLE:*  In 24 hours we can change the presidential campaign

Urgent alert to Arizona, Connecticut, District of Columbia

Finally, a chance to put a voice for peace and planet into the
presidential race.

*/Dear Friend,/*

In the next 24 hours I have an opportunity to qualify for federal
matching funds
will allow me to mount a groundbreaking challenge to politics as usual.
   As the Green Party presidential candidate, I will be able to counter
the spin and misdirection that has been coming from the big party
candidates, and speak up for peace, people, and the planet.  If you've
longed to hear someone challenge the big guys who are pushing war,
bailouts, insider politics, and Wall Street rule, then you'll love what
we're going to bring to this race.

*But it all hinges on what happens in three critical states in the next
24 hours.*  Here is what remains to be raised from those states:

   * District of Columbia:  $2,291
   * Arizona:  $1,465
   * Connecticut:  $1,249

They say that big money donors are taking over our electoral system. But
they won't take over my campaign. I refuse to accept money from
corporate lobbyists and CEOs of corporations that lobby to influence
Washington. That's why I'm free to say what has to be said and to
question the conventional politics of Washington.

If you live in one of the three above states (and DC statehood is just a
matter of time), I really need you to step forward RIGHT NOW and make a
small donation
up to $250) to help me qualify before our drive ends at midnight, June 30.

We are in the final hours.  Please go now to my website

Then get ready to really enjoy the rest of a spirited presidential campaign.


Jill Stein, M.D.
Green Party candidate for President

P.S.  Please help ensure success by forwarding this appeal to 10 friends.


/Please take an immediate step by making a donation:

Authorized and paid for by Jill Stein for President
PO Box 260217, Madison, WI 53726-0217
http://www.JillStein.org <http://www.JillStein.org%20>

Jill Stein for President ·
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