[GPSCC-chat] National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

fred Duperrault fredlois2 at gmail.com
Wed May 16 17:14:27 PDT 2012

Today the House Of Representatives passed the National Defense  
Authorization Act that would allow
the President to detain anyone without authorization, according to my  

The Democrats'  votes were split, 93 "Ayes to 93 "Nays."

The Republicans  voted 190 "Ayes" and 43 "Nays."
It appears to me that if all of the Democrats had voted "Nay,"
the bill would still have passed.

Eshoo,  Lofgren, Spier Honda, Stark and Farr  voted "Nay."

Nancy Pelosi Voted "Aye."

 From the" FHD Newsroom."

Fred D. 

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