[GPSCC-chat] "Killing the competition"

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sat May 26 18:41:53 PDT 2012


"Killing the competition:
How the new monopolies are destroying open markets"

It's about the growing power imbalance in the country.

===== Excerpts =====


But these days, we see a different kind of fear in the eyes of America’s
entrepreneurs and professionals. It’s a fear of the arbitrary edict, of
the brute exercise of power. And the origins of this fear lie precisely
in the fact that many if not most Americans can no longer count on open
markets for their ideas and their work. Because of the overthrow of our
antimonopoly laws a generation ago, we instead find ourselves subject to
the ever more autocratic whims of the individuals who run our giant
business corporations.


... when the Justice Department complained in 2010 that senior
executives at Apple, Google, Intel, Pixar, and two other corporations
had “formed and actively managed” an agreement that “deprived” the
engineers and scientists who work for them of “access to better job





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