[GPSCC-chat] Final Final Version: Proposed Flier For Yes on 37 and possible movie showing.

John Thielking pagesincolor at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 14 14:49:17 PDT 2012

250 fliers are now in the Peace Center main lobby.  The lobby is open many more hours than the Peace Center itself.  Feel free to take some and/or make more copies. Thanks.
John Thielking

--- On Sun, 10/14/12, Gerry Gras <gerrygras at earthlink.net> wrote:

From: Gerry Gras <gerrygras at earthlink.net>
Subject: Re: [GPSCC-chat] Final Final Version: Proposed Flier For Yes on 37 and possible movie showing.
To: "John Thielking" <pagesincolor at yahoo.com>
Cc: sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org, tsubaka360 at gmail.com, "merriam k" <mkmusic03 at aol.com>
Date: Sunday, October 14, 2012, 10:08 AM

Ok with me.


John Thielking wrote:
> One more change: final final final version now :>)
>     *Why You Should Vote Yes On Prop 37 --- Label Genetically Modified
>     Foods*
>     Watch the video “Genetic Roulette ----- The Gamble Of Our Lives”
>     This video says it all. Take 1.5 hours out of your day to watch it.
>     It was well worth my time. Industry funded studies show no problems
>     with GMOs but independent studies and anecdotes from farmers often
>     do show problems. My pet peeve is that the standard diet for lab
>     rats (and many farm animals) contains about 1% calcium. This is much
>     more calcium than a human would ever ingest (5000-10000 mg per day
>     equivalent which would poison a human). My theory is that the
>     organophosphates and other bad stuff in GMO feed is detoxified by
>     the excess calcium so of course the industry studies won't show the
>     animals getting sick. It is those little noticed oddball studies
>     that don't use the standard industry procedures and the individual
>     farmers who are unknowingly giving their animals mineral
>     deficiencies (among other things) when feeding their animals GMO
>     feed that result in animals getting sick from GMOs. Watch the video
>     “Genetic Roulette” at:
>     _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnlTYFKBg18&feature=youtu.be_or
>     _http://geneticroulettemovie.com/_
>     To order a DVD copy of the video go to
>     _www.responsibletechnology.org
>     <http://www.responsibletechnology.org/>_.
>     To find local grocers in your area that sell products with the GMO
>     free label called “Non GMO Project Verified”, go to
>     _www.nongmoproject.org <http://www.nongmoproject.org/>_. Whole Foods
>     is one of these stores. They have more products with this label on
>     their shelves than are listed on the web site. Also check out
>     _www.nogmoshoppingguide.com <http://www.nogmoshoppingguid.com/>_.
>     There will be a public showing of the movie “Genetic Roulette”
>     followed by a discussion, and possibly a presentation from the Yes
>     on 37 campaign. The web site for the Yes on 37 campaign is:
>     http://www.carighttoknow.org/.
>     *Genetic Roulette --- The Gamble Of Our Lives *
>     *Friday, November 2, 2012, 6PM to 10PM*
>     *San Jose Peace Center, 48 South 7*^*th* *Street, San Jose, CA *
>     This event is co-sponsored by the Santa Clara County Green Party.
>     Flier by John Thielking, _www.peacemovies.com
>     <http://www.peacemovies.com/>_. Labor and printing donated.
>     <http://lists.cagreens.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sosfbay-discuss>
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