[GPSCC-chat] facebook poll improvement

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 17 12:51:23 PDT 2012

John wrote

The choose your candidate button leads to a 10-15 question poll 
about the issues.? At the end of the process Romney and Obama 
are compared to see which one best matches your answers.? 

For my answers, Romney got a 13% score while Obama got a 63% score. 
No other candidates are listed.? So the choice is between an F and a D+, 
not much of a choice.
John Thielking

There is a better alternative:  http://votesmart.org/voteeasy/

Six candidates are shown in a graphical reprresentation that shifts with
the answer to each of the one, two, or three questions in each of the 13 

Try it, I believe you will enjoy it.

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