[GPSCC-chat] Forward on Climate Rally, Feb. 17th, 1 pm San Francisco

Valerie D. Face vdf at juno.com
Fri Feb 8 18:17:22 PST 2013

Hi folks,

Here's the official announcement for the Forward on Climate rally.  Please pass it on!

Best regards,


Join us in San Francisco, Sunday February 17th for the largest ever climate rally in the Bay Area!  Our goal is to show strong public support for strong climate action by President Obama.  It's time to show the urgency of climate change and put climate change back in the public discourse and on the policy agenda!  This rally is joining others across the country in support of the main rally in DC with over 20,000 attending.  Join us in SF, bring your friends, your neighbors and help make a strong statement that we must move Forward on Climate!  Here are the details:
Show President Obama broad public support for urgent action on climate change.

One Market Plaza in San Francisco.  We will encircle the U.S. Department of State and demand that they reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

1 - 3 PM on Sunday, February 17, 2013 

Everyone!  The Forward on Climate Rally will be the largest climate rally in Bay Area history!

To RSVP and for more information see www.350BayArea.org 

President Obama has the power to lead an effort on the scale and with the urgency necessary to phase out carbon-intensive fossil fuels and fire up energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy sources.

The way Forward on Climate is clear:  President Obama must start cutting carbon from today's biggest polluters -- power plants -- and stop the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline NOW to avoid adding more carbon pollution to our air and increasing global warming.

Take Action.  The President needs to hear from you that climate is an urgent priority!  Join us in San Francisco and ask President Obama to Move Forward on Climate!

Sponsors:  350 Bay Area, 350 Silicon Valley, Sierra Club, NRDC, Greenpeace, CREDO, Sustainable San Rafael, Bay Localize, Center for Biodiversity, Green for All, Gathering Tribes, Global Exchange, Earth Justice Associates of First Unitarian Church of Oakland, Transition Berkeley, Community Food & Justice Coalition, Sustainable Marin, Citizens Climate Lobby, Communities for a Better Environment

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
    - from "The Summer Day" by Mary Oliver

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