[GPSCC-chat] Fwd: [gpca-forum] Jill Stein in California in September

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Fri Jul 26 01:33:51 PDT 2013

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[gpca-forum] Jill Stein in California in September
Date: 	Fri, 26 Jul 2013 01:20:30 -0700
From: 	June Brashares <june.brashares at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	GPCA member general discussion <gpca-forum at cagreens.org>
To: 	gpca-forum at cagreens.org

Hi Greens,

Jill Stein is going to be in California in mid-September.  This could
provide an opportunity for Greens around California to host events with
her. Please help spread the word to Greens about this opportunity.If you
or others you know might be interested in having her at an event you
would organize, please let me know and we'll see what can be arranged.

   Jill is confirmed to be a speaker at the Petaluma Progressive Festival
for Sunday September 15th, 2013.  Following the event in Petaluma, she
will likely stay in California for a week and do an event on Saturday
Sept 21st.in <http://21st.in> the LA area (I think it is an
Eco-Socialist conference).  So between those events, for the dates of
Sept 16th - 20th, she could potentially do other events around
California going from the North Bay to Southern California.

If you have ideas or proposals for events with Jill, please let me know
as soon as possible so I can provide her options to consider.   She is
interested in helping CA Greens as much as she can.  I'm not able to
confirm any specific event on her behalf but can help deliver speaking
invitations/ proposals to her so she can decide which she can include in
her schedule.


June Brashares
Green Party of Sonoma County
415-425-3733 <tel:415-425-3733>

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