[GPSCC-chat] Volunteers needed to get the best vote Aug. 30 on SB 52 to disclose the major contributors to campaign ads

Spencer Graves spencer.graves at prodsyse.com
Sun Aug 24 12:09:45 PDT 2014

Hello, All:

        SB 52 is scheduled for a vote in the California Assembly this 
Saturday, August 30.  SB 52 mandates disclosure of the identities of the 
major contributors to campaign ads.

        I believe this deserves your support, because the financing of 
political campaigns and investigative journalism are the primary 
obstacles to improvement on almost any issue facing humanity today.

        You can help with this effort in four different ways:  First, if 
you haven't already, contact your representative in the California 
Assembly about this.

		    1.1.  If you don't know your representative in the Assembly, go to 
"http://assembly.ca.gov", click on "Members", then "Find your Legislator 
by your address".

		    1.2.  Coauthors in the Assembly are Fong, Alejo, Ammiano, Bonta, 
Buchanan, Gatto, Gonzalez, Medina, Ting, Wieckowski, and Williams.  If 
one of these represent you, thank them.  Otherwise, ask for their 
position and express your support.  You can do that via phone or email. 
  Information on how to do that should be on their web sites, which 
should be included as a link in the response to "Find your Legislator", 
as just described.

        The other three ways to support this are phone banking and using 
Facebook and Twitter, as outlined in the email below from CAClean.org.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Trent Lange, CA Clean Money" <noreply at list.moveon.org>
Date: Aug 23, 2014 6:42 PM
Subject: CA DISCLOSE Act Actions: Phonebanks, Facebook, & Twitter

Two years of hard work by thousands of activists for the game-changing
*California DISCLOSE Act* are now coming to a head.  Last week it passed 
the Assembly Appropriations Committee after thousands of calls, emails, 
faxes, and a hundred people packed the halls in Sacramento at the hearing.

*On Saturday, August 30th, SB 52 will be having its final vote in the 
full Assembly -- and a quick final "reconciliation" vote in the Senate 
the same day.*

SB 52 now has powerful opponents who oppose SB 52's clear-cut rules that
disclosures on ballot measure ads must show the actual original
corporations, unions or millionaires that pay for the ad, not misleading
front-groups.  So we've got our work cut out for us.

Here are three things you can do to build pressure on the Assembly: 
Virtual phonebanking to constituents of key Assemblymembers
our Facebook "rapid response" team, and Twitter "storms".  We describe 
them below.  Please sign up for one of them!

*Sign up for Callfire virtual phonebanking!*
Phonebanking to generate calls from constituents is one of the most
powerful things you can do to pass the *California DISCLOSE Act*. 
You'll be using our powerful Callfire system and calling Clean Money and 
*DISCLOSE Act* supporters, so the calling is easy and effective.

One thing our Callfire system does is help make your calling more 
efficient by automatically dialing for you.  But the most important 
thing it does is let you press a button and automatically transfer the 
caller directly to the office of the Assemblymember when they agree to 
speak to them!  It's all done without any long-distance charges for you.

We're having trainings every day next week at 2pm and 7pm (except 
Friday, when it will just be at 2pm).  Then you'll get a script and will 
be calling constituents of key targets.  These calls may make the 
difference between winning and losing, so make as many as you're able to 
from the comfort of your own home.

*Sign up for a Callfire virtual phonebank training now!

*Join the Clean Money Facebook Rapid Response Team!*
A big way we've been building support for the *California DISCLOSE Act* 
and other ways to fight Big Money in politics is by sharing Clean Money 
posts on Facebook.

*Click here to "like" the California DISCLOSE Act Facebook page!*

But liking the page is only the first step.  What really helps spread 
the word is when you engage by "liking" and commenting on posts, and 
especially sharing them with your friends.

We have an active Clean Money Facebook Rapid Response team that gets 
email alerts 3-4 times a week on important Clean Money posts with the 
latest news or actions to share.  That way you won't miss anything and 
can share them right away!

*Sign up for the Clean Money Facebook Rapid Response team!*

*Join the #PassSB52 Twitter Storms next Tuesday and Thursday nights!*
If you're on Twitter, then join our "Twitter Storms" next Tuesday (8/26)
and Thursday (8/28) from 9-10pm, where supporters from around the state
will be tweeting at key Assemblymembers to vote Yes on SB 52.

We'll provide you with a list of sample tweets using the hashtag
#PassSB52.  All you'll have to do is:

1) Select a sample tweet from the list (which we'll email you when the
storm begins) or adapt one yourself.
2) Select another sample tweet from the list provided and publish it.
3) Repeat for as many times as you can.

*Click here to register for Tuesday (8/26) at 9pm

*Click here to register for Thursday (8/28) at 9pm

And of course you don't need to wait for the Twitter Storms.  If you're 
on Twitter, you can go right now and *follow the California Clean Money
Campaign on Twitter <https://twitter.com/CACleanMoney>*.  Then search 
for #PassSB52, and then retweet the tweets you see or tw eet similar 
ones of your own!

Signing up for one or more of these three things will make a big 
difference for SB 52's chances.  We're down to the last week for this 
game-changing reform.

As one of our volunteer leaders said, you can tell how powerful the 
*California DISCLOSE Act* is by how hard it is to pass it.  You can also 
tell by looking at the details on our website 
But we are getting very close, thanks to all of you.

Together, we will create a democracy that is truly of, by, and for the

Trent Lange
President, California Clean Money Action Fund


The California Clean Money Action Fund is a non-profit, non-partisan
501(c)(4) organization that is the political advocacy arm of the
501(c)(3) California Clean Money Campaign 
<http://www.caclean.org/?ref=su:moveon-footer>. The California Clean 
Money Action Fund has been fighting for legislation and ballot measures 
to limit the undue influence of Big Money in California politics since 
2006. All our support comes from individuals and non-profit foundations, 
with no funding from corporations or unions. For more information about 
us and our efforts on the *California DISCLOSE Act*, visit 
www.CAdisclose.org <http://www.cadisclose.org/>.

Spencer Graves, PE, PhD
President and Chief Technology Officer
Structure Inspection and Monitoring, Inc.
751 Emerson Ct.
San José, CA 95126
ph:  408-655-4567
web:  www.structuremonitoring.com

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