[GPSCC-chat] FW: [gpca-forum] Why is the traffic here so thin?

Brian snug.bug at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 25 17:59:26 PDT 2015

I know we're not supposed to cross-post from the gpca to the local list, but it's not like we're being buried under emails
in either forum, and I've seen Gerry cross-post frequently and nobody has severed his head yet.

A couple of weeks ago I supposed I must have been kicked off the gpca list because I wasn't getting any emails from it.

Can we have some vision and optimism please?    

Is it time to have a discussion about burnout?   It's been ten years of full time activism for me now, and what I've
accomplished is pretty much limited to helping to take down a few 9/11 con artists, doing what I could to promote 
9/11 activists with whom I don't always agree, developing some video skills I no longer have the energy to use, and 
running up many, many thousands of dollars in credit card debt.

I could really use a pep talk and I'm not hearing much from people (you know who you are) who might have the 
capacity to cheer me up.

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