[GPSCC-chat] message from Jill Stein re HR 412

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 12 10:34:35 PDT 2015

In case you are not on Jill Stein's email list here is an email
I received from her:

James --

Right now, an attempt is brewing in Congress to wipe out campaigns that
rely on small donations from regular people. Clearly they see us as a 
and are trying to shut us down.

*Add your name here to say no to this insanity.* 

*#HaltTheAssault* on public financing for people-powered campaigns.

This funding is critical to the survival of small donor campaigns like ours
that don't take money - or marching orders - from the 1%.

If this bill goes through it will strike a severe blow to all 
independent presidential campaigns.

This public funding does not come from tax dollars. It's a voluntary $3 
contribution from people who chip in via their IRS form to support clean 
campaigns. This bill will end that option immediately.

*Please help me sound the alarm and fight back by signing your name to 
this petition.* 

Then, I’ll deliver the petition and your signatures to the co-signers of 
this bill in Congress
and leverage public attention to win this fight!

If you can *make a donation today* 
that empowers us to sound as big an alarm as this issue deserves!

Upward together!

Jill's Signature

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