[GPSCC-chat] Resend: GPSCC Resuming web page discussion

WB4D23 at aol.com WB4D23 at aol.com
Thu Nov 19 14:55:30 PST 2015

In a message dated 9/7/2015 2:29:06 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
WB4D23 at aol.com writes:

September 7, 2015
So I am using today to try to catch up (a little) on some  GPSCC stuff...  
I tried using the url from Tian and went through the  steps and got an error 
message.  I have sent Tian and Cameron email about  that.
Next:  I wanted to resume the conversation about some  of the web page 
issues we started talking about a few months ago.
Here is a list of proposals of things that IMO Drew, as web  administrator, 
"should" be able to do without consultation County Council  members:
Meeting dates/times updates (on automatic?  but there  was 
a discrepancy of 7:00 pm vs. 7:30 pm meeting start time  between two of the 
pages; was that corrected?)
Announcements of events for any group in which the GPSCC is  a coalition 
Announcements of any De Anza Greens events
Announcements of local (or regional) events of any Green  Party candidate 
(with an appropriate caveat that posting the announcement does  not mean 
endorsement if such a qualification is applicable)
Announcements of events, candidate endorsements or ballot  initiative 
positions sent by the GPCA (but not internal  discussions)
Additions to button art

Here is a list of proposals of things that IMO "should"  require County 
Council approval or specific request:
Posting announcements from groups in which the GPSCC is not formally  
Announcements related to GPSCC organizing efforts, petition campaigns, or  
endorsements of local ballot measures or nonpartisan candidates
This list is intended for discussion purposes, only, and none of the  above 
is intended to infer in any fashion that there has been any kind of  
problem in the past.  Please add to the two lists or indicate any  disagreements.
Happy 5776!


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