[GPSCC-chat] Hansen on Election

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 14 18:31:51 PDT 2016


from James Hansen, climate scientist,

"American Presidential Choices: An Opinion Based On Climate Science"


"I am a political Independent, fed up with both of our
major parties. I have begun writing a piece in which I
argue the case for a third party, not in 2016, but soon
thereafter, if, as seems likely, the threat of a downward
spiral in the economic prospects for young people becomes
more apparent. Thus I intended to say nothing about the
current election cycle."


"So I am not recommending any candidate after all. The only
thing I would say is that we had better make maximum effort
to help the winner understand the climate/energy story this
time.  As my oldest grandson said, unless we can make a time
machine that actually works we will not get a “do over.”
I had zero success in informing the current resident of the
White House.[10]  Maybe next time I will try parachuting in
for a visit.  No, on second thought, given the new securities,
that might be a coruscating finale.  I had better tend my


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