[GPSCC-chat] Some possible changes to the GP "donkey flyer"

Brian snug.bug at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 20 13:37:59 PST 2016

Any and all suggestions appreciated.

I can't post to the sosfbay discuss group and can't find Warner's email address.

D&R Beholden:Existing:  "Defense Contractors, Pharmaceutical Companies, Agribusiness"Change to "War Profiteers, Big Pharma, Agribiz"Add:  "Real estate profiteers"Remove "High-tech"D&R Values:Add "Serve the status quo"D&R Accomplishments:Remove "Privatize Social Security"Remove "Nuclear weapons in space"Add "Decades of increasing income inequality"Add: "Fracking wastes in drinking water"Add:  "Poverty and homelessness"Add:  "Atmospheric CO2 above 400 ppm"Add:   "Climate chaos"Add:   "Highest incarceration rate in the world"Add:   "National Security State"
Add:   "Record low labor participation rate."
Add:   Cynicism and apathy among young voters
Add:   Hackable and untrustworthy electronic voting machines
Add:  Concentrated corporate ownership of news media
Add:  Congressional approval ratings currently at 13.5%
Green Party PlansChange:  "What we plan to accomplish" to "What Greens plan to accomplish"Add:         Ranked-choice voting to accurately reflect voter sentiment 
Add:        "Single payer" to "Health care coverage"
What is the Green Party?Change:   "Iraq" to "Afghanistan"Remove:   "Legalize same-sex marriage"Contact infoChange phone number to "408-236-2016" 		 	   		  
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