[GPSCC-chat] Lessons from Barcelona (and other cities in Spain)?

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 11 12:37:04 PST 2017


"Eight lessons from Barcelona en Comú on how to Take Back Control"


Eight Lessons:
1. The best way to oppose nationalist anti-immigrant sentiment is to
confront the real reasons that life is shit
2. Politics does not have to be the preserve of rich old white men
3. A politics that works begins by listening
4. A politics that works never stops listening
5. Politics does not begin with the Party
6. Power is the capacity to act
7. Transnational politics begins in your city
8. Essential services can be run in our common interest

Last paragraph:
"This difference underpins the Barcelona experience. This is not a
traditional socialist government that thinks it can run things better on
behalf of the people. This is a movement that believes the people can
run things better on their own behalf, combining citizen wisdom with
expert knowledge to solve the everyday problems that people face."


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