The following is from UC Santa Cruz Currents online Former Green Party candidate Winona LaDuke to speak Oct. 20 Winona LaDuke, who ran for vice president on the Green Party ticket with Ralph Nader in 1996 and 2000, will give a talk at UCSC on October 20. “Native Lands and Economies for the New Millennium” is the topic of her 6 p.m. talk at the Colleges Nine/Ten Multipurpose Room. Members of the campus community will have an opportunity to meet LaDuke at a reception prior to her talk at 4 p.m. at the Colleges Nine/Ten Namaste Lounge. She will also have a book-signing following her talk in the Multipurpose Room. An Anishinaabeg (Ojibwe) enrolled member of the Mississippi Band of Anishinaabeg, LaDuke is program director of Honor the Earth and the founding director of the White Earth Land Recovery Project. Using grants and a $20,000 human rights prize from Reebok, the group so far has bought back 1,000 acres and hopes to acquire 30,000 more in the next 15 years. LaDuke and the White Earth Land Recovery Project recently received the international Slow Food Award for their work with protecting wild rice and local biodiversity. A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she has written extensively on Native American and environmental issues. Her books include Last Standing Woman (fiction), All Our Relations (non-fiction), In the Sugarbush (children’s non-fiction), and The Winona LaDuke Reader. Her most recent, Recovering the Sacred, was just released by South End Press. Her appearance is sponsored by the American Indian Resource Center, College Nine and College Ten, and the Student Environmental Center.