[GPCA Updates] Oct. 5 Nation-wide Protests

Green Party of California Updates updates at marla.cagreens.org
Sat Sep 30 16:23:22 PDT 2006

This message was sent to the Green Party by the World Can't Wait
organization. It is being forwarded for informational purposes only. This
action has not been formally endorsed by the GPCA.

To Friends in the Green Party:

We know you share our sense of urgency. The hour is late.

Endless Wars
 We have to bring this to a 

On Thursday, October 5th, protests are planned in over 115 cities (with
more being announced each day), that will signal the rise of a new
movement determined not to stop until the Bush regime is driven
fromoffice, the horrors it is unleashing on the world are stopped, and the
direction it is leading society is reversed.

There is too much to include in a single letter like this, and we
encourage your chapter to go to our website, worldcantwait.org, for the
World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime Call that has been signed by
many well-known cultural and political figures, along with supporting
statements from Daniel Ellsberg, Ralph Nader, Ray McGovern, Gore Vidal,
Rabbi Michael Lerner and many other voices of conscience.

A lot of momentum has been generated by recent full-page ads in The New
York Times and USA Today, as well as local publications, Air America ads,
PSAs, etc. We're reaching well beyond those already active, and  our
experience shows that there are lots of people in towns and communities
across the country who are eager to breathe fresh air and know they're not

Yes, there's momentum - but in order for October 5th to be as powerful as
it needs to be, with undeniable moral authority and political impact, we
need tens of thousands in the streets, all declaring their refusal to be
complicit and their determination to BRING IT TO A HALT!

You can do a lot to make this happen.

Green chapters and Green Party members have connected with World Can't
Wait and are building for October 5th in a number of areas - including
Florida, Georgia, San Mateo (CA) and Houston.  But all of you need to be
in the house!

At this moment especially when the Senate Congress has passed (and
Congress soon will) monstrous legislation making torture
legal, as war on Iran draws ever closer (including the possibility of
using nuclear weapons), everyone who has anxiety attacks about the future
of the planet needs to know about and act on October 5th.

What you can do:

*Endorse October 5th and the World Can't Wait Call to Drive Out the Bush

*Plan an action and spread the word!  Let the WCW office know and we can

*Connect  with Oct. 5th committees in your areas - or if there isn't one,
you're it!

*Fund-raise among your friends and families for national radio and print
ads - and for your own flyers, posters, stickers, etc. (See the website
for downloadable materials.)

*Make sure that every person in your community/town/city who cares about
the fate of the planet and the future of humanity knows about October 5th
and comes out on that day.

So that's it.

There is a way and a day that can make a difference - October 5th.  Be
part of making it happen.


Debra Sweet
National Coordinator, World Can't Wait

“There is not going to be some magical ‘pendulum swing.’ People who steal
elections and believe they're on a ‘mission from God’ will not go without
a fight.  There is not going to be some savior from the Democratic Party.
This whole idea of putting our hopes and energies into ‘leaders’ who tell
us to seek common ground with fascists and religious fanatics is proving
every day to be a disaster, and
actually serves to  demobilize people.

“But silence and paralysis are NOT acceptable. That which you will not
resist and mobilize to stop, you will learn - or be forced - to accept. 
There is no escaping it: the whole disastrous course of this Bush regime
must be STOPPED.  And we must take the responsibility to do it.”


- from the World Can’t Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime CALL

The World Can’t Wait Call is signed by:
Sean Penn, Gore Vidal, Cornel West, US Representative John Conyers,
Jonathan Tasini, Sarah Jones, Harold Pinter, Tom Morello, Viggo Mortenson,
Kurt Vonnegut, Harry Belafonte, Gabriel Byrne, Margaret Cho, Eve Ensler,
Naomi Wallace, Cindy Sheehan, Richard Serra, Mark Crispin Miller, Paul
Haggis, Jane Fonda, Jonathan Kozol, Jessica Lange, Mark Ruffalo, Esther
Kaplan, Erica Jong, Alice Walker and thousands more.

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