[GPCA Updates] Anniversary of the Citizens United v. FEC

Green Party of California Updates updates at cagreens.org
Fri Jan 21 17:42:48 PST 2011

(Distributed by the Green Party of the United States, http://www.gp.org)

January 21, 2011

Today - on the one-year anniversary of the Citizens United v. FEC decision
that legalized unrestrained corporate spending on federal elections - the
Green Party re-affirms its opposition to corporate personhood, corporate
speech rights, and corporate control of America's public spaces, media, and

After the Supreme Court decided in a 5-4 decision to strike down federal laws
limiting the use of corporate money for campaign advertising, we predicted “a
flood of election season ads promoting corporate-sponsored candidates”.

Sure enough, the nonpartisan group Common Cause noted that “outside groups
spent more than $296 million on the 2010 Congressional midterms – a 330
percent increase over 2006”.

The nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics found that millions of the
dollars spent in the 2010 election were donated anonymously by corporations or
nonprofits, and millions more were funneled into Congressional races by “super
PACs” created in response to the Citizens United decision.

Greens have responded to this crisis in American democracy in innovate ways.
Help support our opposition today.

David Cobb, the Green Party's 2004 candidate for the President of the United
States, has been on the road with Move to Amend, a coalition seeking to amend
the Constitution to outlaw corporate personhood. The Green Party is a key
partner of the Move to Amend coalition and firmly believes that corporations
should be stripped of the ability to spend unlimited sums on political campaigns.

Sarah “echo” Steiner, a former co-chair of the Green Party of the United
States, made headlines this week with her intention to marry a corporation,
which the Supreme Court has endowed with the same rights as individuals. "The
court's ruling has opened the door to the union of corporate and human persons
in ways that were never imagined before," said Steiner. "But, frankly, I'm
wondering who's going to be on top on the wedding night."

And most importantly, over 300 Green candidates ran for local, state, and
federal office last year. Each of them rejected corporate contributions for
their campaigns and urged their opponents to do the same.

The Green Party depends only on individual "human persons" for all its
support. On this first anniversary of the Citizens United decision we continue
to urge all candidates to reject corporate influence. And we ask you to help
us continue our mission by making a contribution to the Green Party today.

Support the Green Party!

Contribute today. A Greener future is within our reach. Your donation today
can help us bring the vision we share a little closer to reality.

You can sustain the Green Party by making a monthly contribution here.

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Thank you!

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