gpca-votes --
GPCA Standing General Assembly
About gpca-votes
This is the discussion list for proposals before the Standing General Assembly (SGA) of the Green Party of California (GPCA). Its purpose is to facilitate communication for the purposes of SGA decision-making.
Participation in this list is based upon the premise that people participate in a respectful manner, in order build the GPCA and advance the Ten Key Values. Participation is open to all Standing Delegates. By subscribing, one agrees to follow these Rules of Decorum and to post in accordance with the purpose of this list.
Posting to shall be limited to proposals before the SGA and administrative announcements from the SGA co-administrators. Please make your posts on each proposal as responses to the original discussion thread for that topic, rather than changing the title and starting separate and parallel discussions that bifurcate the discussion.
Posting on other topics of relevance to the GPCA should be made on the - subscription and participation which is open to all GPCA members.
To see the collection of prior postings to the list,
visit the gpca-votes
(The current archive is only available to the list
Using gpca-votes
To post a message to all the list members, send email to
You can subscribe to the list, or change your existing
subscription, in the sections below.
Subscribing to gpca-votes
Subscribe to gpca-votes by filling out the following
This is a closed list, which means your subscription
will be held for approval. You will be notified of the list
moderator's decision by email. This is also a private list, which means that the
list of members is not available to non-members.
gpca-votes Subscribers